Nationality:USA  USA
Date of Birth:06/06/1944
Born on June 6, 1944 in Clarksville, Texas, as an infant Tommie Smith barely survived a serious bout with pneumonia. But survive he did, to become a distinguished chapter of African American history. His college career at San Jose State University was highlighted with many achievements. He started breaking world records in track as a sophomore and did not stop until he tied or broken thirteen. With talent and encouragement to excel, Tommie Smith was propelled into human rights spokesmanship long before it became a popular cause. With his concern for the plight of African-Americans and others at home and abroad, Tommie made a commitment to dedicate his life to champion the cause of African-Americans. Having become a member of the National Track & Field Hall of Fame in 1978, and serving on the coaching staff of the 1995 World Indoor Championship team Barcelona, Spain he continues to expand his horizons of accomplishments. The silent gesture made by Tommie Smith and John Carlos on the victory stand in Mexico City at the Summer Olympic games was heard around the world and was featured in a documentary by HBO TV titled "The Fist of Freedom". Tommie is currently a faculty member at Santa Monica College and the Head Men's Cross-Country and Track & Field Coach. He also holds a degree in Sociology and Physical Educaton.
Related Database Events:
Olympic Games16/10/1968

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