Surname:Ferreira da Silva
Nationality:BRA  Brazil
Date of Birth:29/09/1927
ADHEMAR FERREIRA DA SILVA, the only Brazilian athlete with two Olympic gold medals, was born in the suburbian city of Casa Verde in S?o Paulo, on September 29 of 1927. The only child of a railroad worker and a cook, Adhemar was a skinny boy with long and skinny legs, who spent his free time helping his parents do make money which was little, and that kept him away from the streets and its problems. Close to complete his nineteen years of age, Adhemar, through a friend, was introduced to an athletic track with athlets and coaches. His enthusiasm and curiosity went to an odd specialty. The triple jump. When Adhemar Ferreira da Silva entered the track to dispute the triple jump at the Helsinque Olympic in Finland in 1952, he was not expecting to break the world record, in which at the time was of 16m., he also did not expect to repeat so four times in the same afternoon. He jumped 16.05 m., 16.09m., 16.12m. and 16.22m.. For the first time an athlete gave a "Olympic run" all around the stadium's track to be closely applauded by the public. In the following Olympic games, in Melbourn Australia, in 1956, he received again the gold medal, jumping 16.35m., establishing a new olympic record. His first competition was at "Trof?u Brasil" in 1947, where he got the mark of 13.05m. He is a South American five times champion, and a Pan American three times champion. He won the Portuguese-Brazilian championship in Lisbon in 1960. He's been ten times Brazilian champion having more than 40 titles and international trophes.
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