Ask avid readers of the Guinness Book of World Records, however, and you're likely to hear
consensus on one name: Ashrita Furman.
Guinness's "Mr. Versatility" winner doesn't make millions of dollars in endorsements or own
championship rings. In fact, he doesn't even play on a team.
What Mr. Furman has done is break 60 world records - an eclectic array of feats so odd, so grueling,
and so phenomenal, they leave Guinness readers in disbelief.
Among his achievements: pogo-sticking the fastest mile - in Antarctica; yodeling for 27 hours straight;
running a marathon in 3 hours, 22 minutes, while juggling three balls; balancing a milk bottle on his
head for 70 miles; somersaulting a 12-mile course in Boston; and hopscotching for 24 hours. |